I found an interesting articles in TIME.
The Best of Asia
Here you can read many articles about Asia. One of the articles explains the Japanese amazing system.
When you lose something in the train or in the station in Tokyo, you can find it in at the office of the terminal station. Once I left my pass case in the train, I went to the office of the nearest station right after I noticed. I explained the characteristics of my pass case and what were included inside the pass case. The station staff called to the terminal station and asked me to go to the terminal station. Fortunately, the terminal station was not so far from the station I got off the train. And so, of course I went to the station. I could receive my pass case at the office of the terminal station in perfect condition. Neither my ATM card nor driver’s license had lost. The other day, my colleague had lost his cellar phone in Yokohama, but he found it in Shimbashi three days later. Everybody was surprised that he found his cellar phone three days later and asked him why he could found it. He said that the lost belongings are sent to the lost and found center at Shimbashi station and he called to the center.
If you lose something in Japan, you don’t need to be disappointed. You should ask someone how to find your belonging. Maybe you can find it though if it’s not in perfect condition. I think there’s no other country has such a good system like in Japan. Japanese are kind, gentle or sophisticated? I don’t know the reason why we can find our lost belongings in Japan. However, this is Japan!
Best Cure for Cynicism in TIME