I went to Hokkaido from the end of July to the beginning of August as my business trip. The job was to hold "Volcanic Disaster Reduction Summit in Iburi, Hokkaido". We held several symposiums and summer school to teach about disaster prevention and volcanology fot citizens around Mt. Usu and Mt. Tarumae. Both mountain is volcanoes. Mt. Usu erupted in 2000, and Mt. Tarumae erupted in 1981.
I visited Mt. Usu for 8 years ago. At that time, I was junior at Chiba University. I wanted to learn about the volcanic observaiton and so I asked Prof. Okada to teach me about the job in observatory. I stayed for 10 days and studied about volcanology and observaitons. I was really impressed that Prof. Okada thought about disaster prevation profoundly. This experience made me decide to become volcanologist.
When I arrived at a hotel in Usu, I was surprised because the hotel was near Usu Volcano Observatory. Actually, the observatory moved to the other site but the observatory I had visited 8 years ago were there. I felt nostalgy. Wow! So many memories came out. Prof. Okada stayed the same hotel and I told him that I wanted to visit the observatory. How was the observatory? Was the building stiil there? Prof. Okada said the building was still there and we could visit the observatory. Prof. Okada, his son and I visited the observatory next morning. The building was still there but the door was locked. Prof. Okada had a key and we could enter the building. There was no desk and machine but there were Prof. Okada's books and papers. These things reminded me of my motivation for my volcanic research.
I went to the crator of 2000 eruption of Mt. Usu. The buidings around the crator was damaged by the ejecta. The volcanic bomb broke the roof of the buiding and hot mud flow struck the rooms. The ground was deformed by the power of magma. Magma pushed the ground and the surface rose a couple of meters. How strong the powere of magma was! The scenery was totally different from that of 8 years ago. I regret that I hadn't come to Usu in 2000. I should have watched the eruption. I should have hear more vigrous sound at the crator. I could do something for people around there in 2000. Why I had done nothing?
During my trip in Hokkaido, I talked with Professors, official workers and people who live near the volcanoes. I think I should do something for the next eruption. The experience was precious. I won't forget this travel.
PHOTO: Mt. SHOWASHINZAN which is included in the group of Mt. USU and the field of Sunflower.