A series of conferences named "Cities on Volcanoes (COV)" are quite nice for me because I am interested in hazard mitigation of volcanic eruption. I had already attended COV3 (Hilo, Hawaii, in 2003) and COV 6 (Tenerife, Spain, in 2009). This time was COV7 and it was held in Colima, Mexico. Colima is a city close to the volcano "Colima" (it is also called "Fuego").
A flag of Cities on Volcanoes 7 in the town center. |
Colima Volcano |
Colina sometimes erupts and produce pyroclastic flows, lava flows and secondly, lahars. Especially lahar occurs very often and people around volcanoes are accustomed to evacuate quickly.
People in the community close to the vent and they have lahars quite often. |
We visited the town where the community is well prepared for the evacuation in the case of lahars. Lahar occurs when it rains heavily because there are always some volcanic ashes on the slope of the volcano. So, rain can easily make muddy flow. They are so accustomed to recognize the sound of lahars when it happens. Then they evacuate without any evacuation alarm from civil protection. When someone notice the lahar, they ring the bell of the church and tell all people in community to evacuate.
Police only for us while we are in field excursion. |
During the field excursion, our buses are protected by police and civil protections. Actually, they were also around conference venue everyday. I heard that Mexico is a bit dangerous. However, I didn't feel so scary because of their good protection. Also Colima was fairly safe city and even during the night we walked from the university to the hotel (but not alone).
Mexican fireworks at the party on Wednesday |
They made "Mexican night" in the middle of conference on Wednesday. There were Mexican foods and drinks. They had folklore dancing show and music. At the end of the event, there were Mexican fireworks. It was great!! This conference series become more and more entertainment. Actually I am not sure that it is really good thing or not?? because much money has been used to make such gorgeous events. If the village or the city is not so wealthy, I guess it is large amount of outgo. Maybe I worry too much...
Anyway, it was wonderful experience including nice discussions with many passionate researchers and related people.
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